Red Imported Fire Ants

Red Imported Fire Ants (Solenopsis invicta), commonly known as RIFA, are highly invasive and aggressive pests that can pose significant threats to both humans, animals and ecosystems. Originally from South America, these ants have made their way to various parts of the world, including South East Queensland . With their painful stings and destructive behavior, it’s essential to implement effective pest management strategies to control and mitigate the spread of these invasive ants. In this blog post, we will explore various methods for managing Red Imported Fire Ants, ensuring the safety of your home and garden

Pest-Nett have the knowledge and experience to implement appropriate and effective measures to control Red Imported Fire Ants

How do we get control?

a) Baits: Ant baits containing slow-acting toxicants can be effective. The ants carry the bait back to their nests, spreading it throughout the colony and eventually leading to its collapse. Follow the instructions carefully and avoid using excessive amounts of bait.

b) Insecticides: Insecticides labeled specifically for fire ant control can be applied directly to the mounds or sprayed over infested areas. Use insecticides sparingly and in accordance with the instructions to minimize environmental impact.

Pest-Nett have also conducted many trials on products for chemical companies in order so that these products can gain registration in Australia for treatment of Fire Ants

If you’ve seen fire ants, contact us today.