Vision and Mission


Conducting pest and termite control for residential, commercial
and industrial premises in the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas.

Pest-Nett is committed to providing you with the very best service
by remaining an industry leader in research, technical expertise
and flexibility.



Safety of our employees, customers, pets and the environment is always our first priority. As licenced pesticide applicators, we take this responsibility seriously.


We operate with honesty and integrity at all times, in all situations.  We apply the Rotary International “Four-way Test” to everything we say and do: 1) Is it the Truth, 2) Is it Fair to all concerned, 3) Will it build goodwill and better friendships/relationships, and 4) Will it be beneficial to all involved. 


You can expect the highest level of professionalism from all Pest-Nett employees at all times.  Whether you’re a customer, supplier, competitor, or neighbour, Pest-Nett employees will always be respectful, well-mannered and timely.  We compete on service and results rather than price.


We strive to be at the forefront of new technologies, techniques, and products that will enable us to deliver our services in a more efficient manner.  The more we know about pests, the more effective and successful we’ll be at managing your pest-related problems. Suppliers and Chemical Manufacturers use often us to test products in the field. We attend numerous conferences each year locally and around the world.