

Springtails are very small insects generally measuring 1 to 2mm long – normally seen as tiny grey insects which can number into the thousands.  A common characteristic of all springtails is their ability to jump or spring. This ability comes from their “tail” which folds under the abdomen and when released propels the insect forward much like a flea.


Springtails mainly live outdoors in moist soil, leaf litter, mulch, potted plants and are always found in moist situations.  When found indoors it is usually associated with dampness or moisture. These insects feed on decaying organic matter, algae and fungi.  They are also attracted to light.  Indoor gardens and potted plants are normal places to find springtails. However damp floor areas in basements, laundries as well as moisture provided through building leaks can be a breeding and living habitat for springtails.

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