Black Carpet Beetle


Carpet beetles are small beetles, about 5mm long and oval in shape.

The black carpet beetle in uniformly black in colour.

Variegated carpet beetles are mottled yellow, white and black.

The larvae of both are usually reddish brown and have stiff bristles over their body.


Like the case making clothes moth the female lays eggs in a quiet, undisturbed place.

Eggs hatch in 14 – 28 days, larvae feed for up to 9 months and the pupal stage takes about 14 -21 days.  Adult beetles feed on flower nectar and can be transported indoors on flowers.  Once inside they look for quiet areas for egg laying.  The adult beetle can fly.

The sighting of sand-like droppings and bristly cast skins of larvae as well as bare carpet are evidence of carpet beetle damage.  Carpet beetles attack, fibre of animal origin such as wool, felt  and fur however they also attack stored food items.

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black carpet beetle