Bag Shelter Moth Processionary Caterpillar


The larvae of the bag shelter moth are often referred to as hairy caterpillars, itchy grubs or processionry caterpillars.  Because of their habits of moving in procession to a new food source, they often come in contact with people and cause itching.  They then cluster together in a large group at the base of the tree that is the food source.  Less frequently they are found off the ground in the fork of a tree.  These larvae cluster together, cover themselves with a web of silk forming a bag, in which they pupate.  They fire off their barbed hairs that can be carried on the wind.  These barbed hairs can even penetrate clothing and cause itching.

Their favoured tree is the acacia (wattle).  So in locating these pests, search the entire area / often a park or school ground for the acacia trees checking the base and forks for the characteristic “shelter bag”.

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bag shelter moth