Paper Lice


Paper Lice / book lice (Psocids) are soft bodied wingless insects which are 1 – 2 mm long.

They are off white in colour and can be found in large numbers when conditions are suitable. They are often confused for Termites.  They are fast moving and agile.


Psocids undergo an incomplete metamorphosis, there being no larvae stage.

The female lays 20 – 50 eggs which hatch in around 3 weeks.  The nymphs that hatch resemble the adult and go through 2 – 4 moults over a 1 to 2 month period.


Paper Lice occur outdoors on or under bark, leaf mould, etc., however when they occur indoors they can become pests.  They prefer damp, warm, undisturbed situations.  These conditions can occur in offices, archives, libraries, etc.  Psocids live on microscopic moulds that grow on paper and other items of organic origin.  The moulds that support psocids, grow in moist, warm poorly ventilated areas.  They can also become pests of ‘pantry items or stored products’.  There is no proof that these insects bite humans however they may cause some irritation on some sensitive skin.

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